
Growing and Caring for Yarrows

This post provides some tips for growing and caring for yarrows. Yarrow is a truly deer and rabbit resistant, and drought tolerant perennial for the sunny part of the garden. It grows well in poor soil, and is hardy to zone 3. As a result, it emerge from dormancy early in spring. It has feathery foliage and produces flat-topped clusters of white, yellow, pink or red florets from early summer to early fall. Depending on variety, yarrow has a height of 1-3 ft. The tall one may need support, especially when it is blooming. However, you can cut off the top half of the plant to produce a bushier plant.

Yarrow is available as potted plants from local nurseries or online stores such as brecks.com. However, you can easily raise this plant from seeds. The seeds are available from parkseed.com. Companion plants for yarrow are daylily and salvia.

Caring for Yarrows

Yarrow needs little care. It does not need too much fertilizer. Dead-heading encourages blooming to continue till late fall. When the older stems begin to wither, jut cut them off at the base to allow younger ones to appear with more flowers. This plant has short life. However, you can rejuvenate it by dividing it every 2 years. The best time to divide yarrow is early spring when new growth just begins. To divide, dig up the whole clump, and cut the clump into two parts with the spade. Replant them with a space of 1-2 feet. On the other hand, it readily self-seeds. You can transplant the young plants to other locations.

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