This post provides some tips of growing and caring for Salvia nemorosa. Salvias belong to the mint family and are native to Europe and west-central Asia. There are many species of salvia, some are annual, and others are perennial. Salvia nemorosa is the most popular perennial in the family, commonly known as woodland sage or...
Propagation by air layering: a method to “clone” a shrub
Propagation of woody plants by cutting often fails. The cuttings die before the roots develop. Propagation by air layering is a simple technique by which a branch is wrapped with potting medium to promote formation of roots. After the roots formed, the branch is cut off from the parent plant and transplanted in a pot....
Transplanting the root suckers: an easy way to increase the number of shrubs
Introduction Transplanting the root suckers is an easy way to multiply the number of shrubs in your garden. Many shrubs, such as forsythia and lilacs, will produce root suckers. Root suckers are the vertical growth from the root system of a mother shrub. These suckers may be a nuisance, but you can dig them out...
Growing and Caring for Yarrows
This post provides some tips for growing and caring for yarrows. Yarrow is a truly deer and rabbit resistant, and drought tolerant perennial for the sunny part of the garden. It grows well in poor soil, and is hardy to zone 3. As a result, it emerge from dormancy early in spring. It has feathery...
Growing and Caring for Astilbes
This post provides some tips for growing and caring for astilbes. Astilbes are the perfect perennial for a shady area of your garden. Deer and rabbit never touch them. They are hardy to zone 4. In summer, they produce large plumes of white, peach, lavender or red flowers that brighten up the shady area for...
Growing and Caring for Coneflowers
This post provides some tips for growing and caring for coneflowers. Coneflower is so named because of the spiny center cone of its flowers. Its genus name, Echinacea, is derived from the Greek word echinos, meaning sea-urchin. It is a native plant in eastern and central North America. It is deer resistant and drought tolerant,...
Growing and Caring for Irises
This post provides some tips for growing and caring for irises. Iris takes its name from the Greek word for a rainbow, probably because of a wide range of colors of flowers produced by it’s family members. The common irises suitable for Northeastern region are bearded iris, Siberian iris, and Japanese iris. All have hardiness...
Growing and Caring for Daylilies
This post provides some tips for growing and caring for daylilies. Daylilies, a low maintenance perennial, are highly recommended for every garden. They are drought-tolerant and hardy to zone 3. They have flowers with a wide range of colors, from white to dark red. Although each flower lasts for only one day, each flower stalk...